UTR Sports API Brand Guidelines

UTR Sports API Brand Guidelines

Welcome developers! We encourage the UTR Sports community to take full advantage of the UTR Sports Platform and API to develop new applications for the community. You do need to attribute your use of the UTR Sports Platform while also avoiding any impression that your application is developed or sponsored by UTR Sports. To use UTR Sports API content, you need to comply with the UTR Sports API Agreement and these simple branding guidelines.

1. Mandatory Logos

1.1 “Connect with UTR Sports” buttons

All apps
(web or mobile apps) must use the “Connect with UTR Sports” button for OAuth. No variations or modifications are acceptable.

  • 3 color options: black, white, color
  • In EPS, SVG and PNG formats
  • Horizontal and stacked versions

1.2 UTR Sports API Logos

All apps (web or mobile apps) must display the “Powered by UTR Sports” or “View on UTR Sports” logos to allow users to go to UTR Sports .


  • 3 color options: black, white, color
  • In EPS, SVG and PNG formats
  • Horizontal and stacked versions

2. Additional Rules Regarding Use of UTR Sports Logos

  • Never use UTR Sports logos in any manner that implies your application was developed or sponsored by UTR Sports.
  • UTR Sports logos can appear near, but must be completely separate and apart from (and should not appear more prominently than) the name/logo of your application.
  • Never use any part of a UTR Sports logo as the icon for your application.
  • Never modify, alter or animate UTR Sports logos

3. Linking UTR Ratings Back to UTR Sports

3.1 UTR Rating links and graphics
You must link UTR ratings back to all original UTR Sports data sources presented in your application using the following guidelines.

  • UTR ratings must be legible.
  • UTR ratings must be identifiable as a link by using one of the following type treatments: bold weight with underline, or blue color #007BCE

    UTR Ratings may be masked with "x" in place of decimals. Ratings should never be rounded up.

    UTR Ratings can be accompanied by the following graphics which call out the UTR brand, play format and UTR Verified badge.


3.2 Reliability and Verified Badge - Alt Text

  • UTR ratings may be accompanied by alt text calling out the % reliability of the UTR rating.
  • Verified badge must be accompanied by alt text using this exact language. “Verified UTR ratings only factor match results from verified tournaments, leagues and match play events.”


4. Use of the UTR Sports Name and Trademark

You may make truthful, factual references to UTR Sports in plain-text descriptions of your application’s features and benefits. You must not use the UTR Sports name in your application name or make any other suggestion that your application is an official UTR Sports app or is otherwise endorsed by UTR Sports. The font size of the UTR Sports name should not be larger than the surrounding font, and should not appear more prominently than the name of your application.

When referring to interoperability with UTR Sports you must use one of the following:

  • “Powered by UTR Sports”
  • “Connected with UTR Sports”

When referencing our company name use “UTR Sports”. The UTR Sports name and logos are all protected by applicable trademark, copyright and other intellectual property laws. UTR Sports reserves the right to cancel, modify or change these guidelines or the UTR Sports API Agreement at any time at its sole discretion.