UTR Sports Engage API Documentation
Last Updated Oct 25, 2024
UTR Sports Engage API Documentation
Details About Requesting Access
Refreshing Expired Access Tokens
Accessing the API Using an Access Token
The Engage API allows cross-platform users (aka users from 3rd party sites who are also UTR Sports members) to connect their accounts. Once their accounts are connected, 3rd party sites can hit endpoints hosted within our Engage API service to do things like: retrieve player ratings and retrieve extended player profile information (check our Swagger docs for the most up-to-date information on available endpoints - you can sign in with an empty username & password).
To utilize the UTR Sports OAuth flow, you will need the following:
Client ID (provided by UTR Sports)
Client Secret (provided by UTR Sports)
Redirect URI (created by the client and communicated to UTR Sports)
Note that, in addition to a production redirect URI, you may provide us with a development/testing version of your redirect URI that we can whitelist.
UTR Sports uses OAuth2for authentication. OAuth allows external applications to request authorization to a user’s data. It allows users to grant and revoke API access on a per-application basis and keeps users’ authentication details safe.
All developers need to register their application before getting started. A registered application will be assigned a client ID and client secret. The secret is used for authentication and should never be shared.
Note that in order to view sample Curl requests and other examples, it’s best to refer to our Swagger documentation here:
When you access Swagger, simply login without a username or passwordentered as these documents are public.
OAuth Overview
When OAuth is initiated, the user is prompted by the application to log in or sign up(if the user is not yet already a member) on the UTR Sports website and to give consent to the requesting application. A user can opt out of the scopes requested by the application.
After the user accepts or rejects the authorization request, UTR Sports redirects the user to a URL specified by the application. If the user authorized the application, the URL query string will include an authorization code and the scope accepted by the user. Apps should check which scopes a user has accepted. Applications complete the authorization process by exchanging the authorization code for a refresh token and short-lived access token.
Access tokensare used by applications to obtain and modify UTR Sports resources on behalf of the authenticated player. Refresh tokensare used to obtain new access tokens when older ones expire.
Here is a high level overview of the OAuth flow:
Requesting Access
To initiate the flow, applications must redirect the user to UTR Sports’s authorization page. At the moment, OAuth is authorized on web via GET
Prod URL:
Note that the URLs above require the params outlined in our Swagger docs. You can see a full example of a functioning URL in our sample test flows further down in the doc here.
Details About Requesting Access
The authorization page will prompt the user to grant your application access to their data. Scopes requested by the application are shown as checked boxes, but the user may opt out of any requested scopes. If an application relies on specific scopes to function properly, the application should make that clear before and after authentication.
client_id required integer, in query |
The application’s ID, obtained during registration. |
redirect_uri required string, in query |
URL to which the user will be redirected after authentication. Must be within the callback domain specified by the application. |
third_party_user_id required string, in query |
Unique ID associated with the third party’s site. |
approval_prompt string, in query |
forceor auto, use forceto always show the authorization prompt even if the user has already authorized the current application, default is auto. |
scope required string, in query |
Requested scopes (e.g. “ratings” or "ratings,profile"). Applications should request only the scopes required for the application to function normally. Note that as of Q4 2024, the available scopes include:
state string, in query |
Returned in the redirect URI. Useful if the authentication is done from various points in an app. |
Token Exchange
UTR Sports will respond to the authorization request by redirecting the user agent to the redirect_uriprovided.
If access is denied, error=access_deniedwill be included in the query string.
If access is accepted, codeand scopeparameters will be included in the query string. The code parameter contains the authorization code required to complete the authentication process. codeis short lived and can only be used once. The application must now call the POST with its client ID and client secret to exchange the authorization code for a refresh token and short-lived access token (see step 7 under Sample test flows Scenario 1for instructions on how to correctly call this endpoint):
Prod URL:
Dev URL:
The state parameter will always be included in the response if it was initially provided by the application.
Request Parameters
client_id required integer, in query |
The application’s ID, obtained during registration. |
client_secret required string, in query |
The application’s secret, obtained during registration. |
code required string, in query |
The code parameter obtained in the redirect. |
grant_type required string, in query |
The grant type for the request. For initial authentication, must always be "authorization_code". |
A refresh token, access token, and access token expiration date will be issued upon successful authentication.
expires_at integer |
The number of seconds since the epoch when the provided access token will expire |
expires_in integer |
Seconds until the short-lived access token will expire |
refresh_token string |
The refresh token for this user, to be used to get the next access token for this user. Please expect that this value can change anytime you retrieve a new access token. Once a new refresh token code has been returned, the older code will no longer work. |
player string |
A summary of player information (for more details on this response, see the EngageApi.OAuth.TokenExchangeResponse object in Swagger)
Refreshing Expired Access Tokens
Access tokens expire six hours after they are created, so they must be refreshed in order for an application to maintain access to a user’s resources. Every time you get a new access token, we return a new refresh token as well. If you need to make a request, we recommend checking to see if the short-lived access token has expired. If it has expired, request a new short-lived access token with the last received refresh token. Here’s an overview of the refresh token flow:
To refresh an access token, applications should call the POST endpoints (specifying grant_type: refresh_token and including the application’s refresh token for the user as an additional parameter):
Prod URL:
Dev URL:
If the application has an access token for the user that expires in more than one hour, the existing access token will be returned. If the application’s access tokens for the user are expired or will expire in one hour (3,600 seconds) or less, a new access token will be returned. In this case, both the newer and older access tokens can be used until they expire.
A refresh token is issued back to the application after all successful requests. The refresh token may or may not be the same refresh token used to make the request. Applications should persist the refresh token contained in the response, and always use the most recent refresh token for subsequent requests to obtain a new access token. Once a new refresh token is returned, the older refresh token is invalidated immediately.
Request Parameters
client_id required integer, in query |
The application’s ID, obtained during registration. |
client_secret required string, in query |
The application’s secret, obtained during registration. |
grant_type required string, in query |
The grant type for the request. When refreshing an access token, must always be "refresh_token". |
code required string, in query |
The code parameter obtained in the redirect. |
refresh_token required string, in query |
The refresh token for this user, to be used to get the next access token for this user. Please expect that this value can change anytime you retrieve a new access token. Once a new refresh token code has been returned, the older code will no longer work. |
A few recommendations
- Storing the scopes your players accept is great in case you get unexpected results (for example: why am I not getting activities for this user?).
- In general, we recommend storing short-lived access tokens and refresh tokens in separate tables
Accessing the API Using an Access Token
Applications use unexpired access tokens to make resource requests to the UTR Sports API on the user’s behalf. Access tokens are required for all resource requests, and can be included by specifying the Authorization: Bearer #{access_token} header.
As of Summer 2024, clients may access our /api/v1/members/ratings endpoint to retrieve rating information for cross-platform users.
Applications can revoke access to a player's data. This will invalidate all refresh tokens and access tokens that the application has for the player. All requests made using invalidated tokens will receive a 401 Unauthorized response.
The POST endpoints are:
Request Parameters
scope required string, in query |
The scopes to be deauthorized (e.g. “ratings” or "ratings,profile"). To deauthorize all scopes at once, simply leave the request body empty.
Note that as of Q4 2024, the available scopes include:
A response will be provided with the revoked access token.
access_token required string, in query |
Responds with the access tokens that were revoked. |
GetRatings API
Returns ratings for the specified authenticated member. Requires ratings permission grant.
Note that, in the future, we plan to add additional endpoints that will serve other data, such as player biographical information.
Rate Limits
Partners are limited to 1000 requests per minute across all API requests in a rolling window. Requests in excess of this rate limit will return an error response with a 429 status code.
Sample test flow
The following scenario demonstrates how the OAuth flow and endpoint requests work for a fake company called “Racket Sports App”. We have included the client ID and secret for this app, however, as noted at the top of the documentation, you will need your own client ID and secret in order to connect your site’s users with their accounts on UTRS.
- User clicks connect on client site.
- To simulate this step, use the following URL
- Note that if you go back through the flow a second time, you will need to change approval_prompt=auto to approval_prompt=force (otherwise you will receive an error).
Prod URL:
- User redirected to UTR Sports.
- User either: 1) confirms account to connect 2) signs in or 3) signs up. Once this is complete, the flow continues.
- User confirms authentication.
- User is redirected back to client site.
- Redirection step includes authorization code (e.g. www.google.com/?code=abc123…), which is used in subsequent steps.
- From this point forward, the flow is entirely on the backend. To recreate these steps, please see our Swagger documentation to follow along.
- Also please note that the following steps are time sensitive (authorization codes and access tokens expire after a set amount of time).
- Using the authorization code provided in step 5, request and receive an access and refresh token via the /api/v1/oauth/token endpoint.
- Sample POST request body here:
"client_id": "8c755512-9571-4b11-8e45-c3608d47547c",
"client_secret": "cjc8Q~eMleLkJ9ar1yPyAHfC62AhLkyuUa.c_b.7",
"code": "<authorization code retrieved from step 5>",
"grant_type": "authorization_code"
- Using the access token received in the previous step, the client site may now send a GET request to the /api/v1/members/ratings endpoint to retrieve the user’s ratings.
- Include the access token in the header with “Bearer <access-token-value>”.