Audrey Lee
Arian Hukeri
Ari Berch
Alan Lei
Sebastian Wroe
Centercourt CEO, Clay Bibbee joined in on the UTR action, winning Thursday's 7.0 and above division.
In the UTR tournament, players were guaranteed two matches, including a consolation-round match, which of course counted toward their UTR rating. Ari Bersch won the 16-player under 6.0 UTR division and Pratheek Thota was the runner-up. Arihan Hukeri didn't lose a set en route to winning the eight-player 3.0 and under division. Audrey Lee played quite a bit of UTR tennis last week and ended the week with a runner-up spot. Teo Bengtsson won the 4.5-and-under UTR category
The club's shootout competition will run throughout the summer, as well its weekly weekend match play.
Did you play in an awesome UTR Event? Let us know! Tag @MyUTR and #MakeTennisBetter on social media and we'll feature it on our blog.