Do You Have Busted Strings? Tell Us How it Happened!

Do You Have Busted Strings? Tell Us How it Happened!

It’s that all too familiar snap …. You’ve crushed a shot (or been on the receiving end of a zinger) and your strings are totally busted. It’s either a moment of joy (you hit an incredible shot) or pain (ugh, my racquet!). Whatever it is - we want to hear all about it! Tell us about the shot that busted your strings! Was it a massive overhead? An ace to win it all? A sizzling crosscourt backhand? Did you keep playing like Andy Murray and Pete Sampras? Tell us how you busted your strings and you’ll be entered to win a new set of top of the line Lynx strings PLUS a new HEAD Graphene Extreme 360 series racquet to get you back in the game. Here’s what to do: 1) Tell us how you busted your strings. Send us a tweet or share a photo on Instagram of your busted strings. Be sure to use the hashtag #MyBustedStrings and tag @HEAD_Tennis and @MyUTR when you tell us the tale of the shot that did your strings in! 2) Post your story on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #MyBustedStrings anytime from November 5 - November 9, 2018. We’ll be giving away 3 HEAD Graphene Extreme 360 series racquets PLUS Lynx string to the top-3 videos as voted on by our UTR Ambassadors. Winners will be announced Monday, November 12. You can see all of the submissions here at #MyBustedStrings. Here’s more on the competition and rules:
  • Entries must use hashtag #MyBustedStrings
  • Entries must tag @HEAD_Tennis and @MyUTR
  • Only one entry per person
  • Stories may be submitted via video, photo or written content (if you choose photo you will need to type up some text to explain how you busted your strings)
  • Share your story on Twitter and/or Instagram
  • Your story must be your own (ie - no sharing stories through someone else’s social handle).
  • Videos should be under 1 minute long
  • Submissions for the contest will close on November 9.
  • Voting begins November 10.
  • Voting will be done by our UTR Ambassador community who will look at all submissions under the #MyBustedStrings hashtag and vote on the top 5 stories.
  • Winners will be announced on November 12.
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