Want to dig deeper into the Universal Tennis Rating (UTR) and the UTR Platform?
Check out UTR's new live webinar series, which will cover everything from your most common questions, like how the UTR algorithm works, how to run successful UTR Events, how high schools and colleges are using UTR, and much more. We hope the new webinar series will provide a chance for you to get a deeper understanding of how you can use UTR to make your game even better.
We’re kicking off with a month of great programming; check out the schedule and register below! If you aren’t able to make the live webinars, we’ll host them on our UTR Education Hub, where you can find all the latest resources and upcoming educational events.

You can explore all the content and register for all webinars at MyUTR.com/Education. Be sure to check back as new webinars and educational content will be uploaded regularly.