What to know...
- UTR Sports has over a decade of experience in building world-class comprehensive global ratings.
- UTR Pickleball Rating is fully integrated into the most comprehensive and best-in-breed event, tournament, and league software.
- UTR-P has more investment, expertise, and experience than any other pickleball rating. UTR-P is based on points won, NOT games, and it updates every 24 hours.
- UTR-P is the most reliable pickleball rating: Players with less than 6 matches have no impact on players with more than 6 matches. This prevents sandbagging! Players must be close enough in level for the match to count.

Best pickleball rating
- The UTR Pickleball Rating (UTR-P) treats verified results and unverified results differently, unlike other pickleball ratings.
- Only results from third-party sources, such as USA Pickleball, count for a player's Verified UTR-P Rating.
- This makes sure that NO SANDBAGGING can take place.
- Other ratings mix all of the results together, allowing players to potentially sandbag.
- The UTR Pickleball Rating (UTR-P Rating) is for players of all ages at all levels.
- Players without enough match results receive a provisional rating (P1-P5) based on questionnaire results.
- But after just one match, those players will receive a projected UTR-P Rating.
- The rating algorithm counts singles and doubles, and verified and unverified separately. So players who play both singles and doubles will receive two UTR Pickleball Ratings - one for singles and one for doubles.

UTR-P: Rating standard for USA Pickleball
Historic announcement...
USA Pickleball has adopted the UTR Pickleball (UTR-P) Rating and UTR tournament management software for all USAP-owned and operated events, including Golden Ticket events and the 2025 USA Pickleball National Championships.
FAQS about utr pickleball rating
FAQS about utr pickleball rating
What is the UTR Pickleball Rating?
Equipped with over a decade of expertise as the creator of the gold-standard UTR Rating for tennis, UTR Sports offers the most accurate and reliable global rating for pickleball.
The UTR Pickleball Rating (UTR-P) is designed to rate every kind of player, whether you're swinging your first paddle or smashing through pro-level tournaments. The UTR-P includes both provisional and numerical ratings for singles and doubles players.
Players without match results logged will receive a provisional rating (P1-P5) based on a questionnaire. After one match, the player will receive a projected rating, and after seven matches, the rating automatically converts to a reliable decimal rating on a scale of 1.0 - 10.0 (from beginner to expert/pro).
Why has my rating changed so much in the transition from UTPR to UTR-P?
Transitioning from a smaller 1.0-6.0 scale UTPR that included limited USA tournaments to the global UTR-P scale of 1.0-10.0, results in players’ ratings naturally moving up and changing as they continue to compete.
The 10-point scale is nearly twice as large as the UTPR 6.0-point scale, so it is normal and expected for your rating to see more movement for players. In turn, players can have a higher rating spread from their partners.
What matches count towards the UTR-P Rating, and what is verified vs. unverified?
Results are either verified or unverified scores depending on whether the match or tournament was organized and played according to UTR Sports’ verified rules, or the match or tournament was a player organized/social/recreational, for which scores are unverified.
All USA Pickleball-owned events, all APP events, and all UTR Sports events are verified events. The UTR-P algorithm takes into account up to 60 of your most recent matches.
A verified UTR-P Rating is indicated by a checkmark badge on a player’s profile. Ratings will dynamically move up and down as new results are factored in.
What does it mean that UTR-P will now be the standard rating and ranking for USA Pickleball owned-and-operated events?
USA Pickleball and UTR Sports have entered into a landmark partnership to connect, grow, and unite the pickleball community. Part of that partnership is establishing the UTR-P Rating as the new standard rating for the sport.
What will happen to UTPR (USA Pickleball Tournament Player Ratings)?
With the USA Pickleball and UTR Sports partnership, USA Pickleball is sunsetting all UTPR ratings and using the UTR-P Rating. Learn more.
Can a player enter any division of a non-Nationals USA Pickleball or USAP-sanctioned event regardless of UTR-P Rating?
Using the UTR Sports platform, event organizers have flexibility for how open or restricted divisions are set up. It will be up to the organizer’s discretion, and it is possible to have open divisions where players may be placed into groups within a division using their rating as a guide to ensure level-based play.
USA Pickleball membership verification is integrated into the UTR Sports platform.
How does the UTR-P Rating compare to the UTPR and other ratings?
The UTR-P Rating is free for players and unlike other rating systems, UTR Sports has no plans to ever charge for their ratings.
The rating systems are very different in terms of their approaches and how the ratings are calculated. The UTR-P is an ageless, genderless, and borderless scale from 1.0-10.0, updating every 24 hours. The UTPR is a tournament-only rating system for the United States on a scale from 1.0 to 6.0.
The UTR-P Rating has several advantages over the other rating systems. One key element is that UTR-P separates self-reported scores from organized/verified match results. This unique feature provides reliability to competitive play and helps drastically reduce sandbagging.
Also, the UTR-P rating has a strong and fast-growing pool of connected players, which provides for an accurate global rating. The UTR-P Rating is also more accurate than points-based ranking systems. It is several percentage points more accurate than today’s pro points-based rankings.
Will my rating go up if I win? Or down if I lose?
Not necessarily. In order to provide the most accurate rating, the UTR-P algorithm calculates your rating based on your performance vs. the expected outcome of a game. For example, if you are victorious over a lower-rated player, but only by a slim margin, your rating may not increase.
Is the UTR-P Rating for singles or doubles?
Both! UTR-P Ratings are separate for singles and doubles. Partners are not averaged. UTR Sports considers each doubles game as two individual games which allows for connection across genders and more accuracy.
What does it mean for a rating to be Reliable?
When you see “Reliable” along with the player’s UTR-P Rating, there are enough results provided to have confidence in the rating being an accurate indication of a player’s true skill level.
What does it mean for a rating to be Projected?
When you see “Projected” it means there are not yet enough results to have confidence in the rating, but there are enough results to display a projection. Seven results are needed before a rating becomes Reliable.
Is Reliable or Projected associated with recreational or competition play?
A social or recreational player may have a fully Reliable rating if they have played enough verified matches to provide an indication of a player’s skill level.
A Projected rating is an indication that the player does not yet have enough scores submitted in order to determine an accurate rating. It will disappear after scores are counted on seven matches.
What is an Estimated or Provisional UTR-P?
If you see a P1-P5, then it is an estimate of the player’s eventual rating based on self-reported answers to the UTR Sports pickleball questionnaire.
How does the UTR-P Rating solve for sandbagging?
The UTR-P Rating is built on large volumes of high-quality score data. The algorithm does not factor in self-reported results for its verified ratings, and players must be close enough in level for the match to count (i.e. if ratings differ by 1.0 or more, it will almost certainly be a blowout). Players with fully reliable verified ratings are not impacted by playing against players with partially reliable ratings.
I don’t think my rating is accurate. Can I appeal it?
The UTR-P rating algorithm runs daily and is fully automated - it is a probability-driven, dynamic algorithm that is constantly taking in and optimizing on match results. Ratings cannot be changed through an appeal process. The algorithm will continue to improve, evolve, and strengthen over time to provide you the most accurate rating.
Who has a UTR-P Rating?
More than 100,000 players around the globe, including all APP and USA Pickleball players, already have a FREE rating on the UTR Sports platform. Click here to log in or sign up for a free account, to claim your profile, and get rated.
I play pickleball. How do I get my rating?
All players can get a FREE UTR-P Rating within minutes. If you're new to UTR Sports, click here.
What if I already have a UTR Rating for tennis?
If you already have a UTR Rating for tennis, get your UTR-P Rating for pickleball by clicking here.
Does UTR Sports support any of the large-scale tours?
In addition to the UTR-P Rating and ranking being the standard for USA Pickleball owned-and-operated events, the UTR-P Rating is also the official rating of the APP (Association of Pickleball Players). This includes the APP Tour, APP Next Gen, and all other APP pickleball play.
Where can I find tournaments to compete in?
Players can search and find pickleball events around the world by visiting the USA Pickleball and UTR Sports websites at usapickleball.org and utrsports.net, respectively. There are several different types of events, including USA Pickleball tournaments, APP tournaments, UTR Sports Flex Leagues, as well as the UTR Sports Pickleball Amateur Series, which includes Golden Ticket Qualifier events!
With DUPR now the official rating of the PPA, how does that impact the direction of UTR Sports in pickleball?
UTR Sports is thrilled to be technology partner for USA Pickleball and the APP (Association of Pickleball Players). Both of these leading pickleball organizations objectively selected the UTR-P Rating after considering and researching all the available options.
USA Pickleball and the APP do not hold any ownership stake in UTR Sports. While the UTR-P Rating is a little newer than DUPR, we believe it is the strongest, most accurate rating and will elevate and unify the sport, free of ownership complexities or self-interest.
Why should I be confident in the UTR-P Rating?
From the makers of the world’s most accurate rating system with patented technology, UTR Sports’ capabilities in algorithm development and data science is a strength no other organization in the sport has come close to matching. UTR Sports monitors the rating continuously and refines the analytics around the algorithm to watch for edge cases, inflation, and fraud. We measure our accuracy against pickleball pro points rankings and have statistically significant advantages in predicting winners.
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